Saturday, August 13, 2011

Main US Post Office

The main US Post Office in Memphis is located at 555 South Third, just south of the downtown core.  The building is one of the few true examples of a brutalist architecture in Memphis.  It features bush-hammered concrete and a very austere design.  It is reminscent of other government buildings of the late 60's and early 70's.  The main post office was completed in 1972 and replaced the grand Memphis Union Station train terminal which dated to 1912.  The main post office was named a few years ago in honor of longtime employee and civic leader Rev. Kenneth Whalum, Sr.

Sheffield High School

I'd like to take a more comprehensive look on Memphis City Schools in the future.  There are dozens of examples of mid-century modern buildings throughout the district.  Sheffield High School happened to be the focus of a recent story I was reporting..hence this post.  Sheffield is located in the Fox Meadows neighborhood of SE Memphis.  Sheffield was constructed in the 1960's.  It features three circular domed buildings.  Two house the gymnasium and cafeteria.  The other is for classrooms.  One thing I've noticed over the years is how the school district has preserved the look of many of its buildings.  That may be a result of budgetary constrictions more than anything.